![[title] [title]](http://i.imgur.com/PeobTyw.jpg)
professor pincushion: welcome to professorpincushion. in this tutorial, we are going to be going over kwik sew's fanciful footwearbaby booties. this is by ellie mae designs and is pattern k141. this particular envelopehas four different designs, and we are actually going to be doing bootie a and bootie c. in order to figure out how much fabric weare going to need we first need to determine what size we're cutting it out, so there'san easy way to do this and that means that you need to cut out the sole pattern piece.so that's either going to be piece number 8, or if you are doing the baby shoe a, itwould be piece number 4, and it says on it sole.
you will take the baby's foot, and you aregoing to place it in the middle and you see they actually have heel and toe marked onthis pattern piece, you know which direction to place the baby's foot. and how it fitsinside there is going to determine the size. so if it fits perfectly inside this innercircle that's going to mean that you are cutting out an extra small, if it's bigger then youmay have to cut out on a bigger line. so if it looks like comfortably, i might need tocut the size small line then that's fine. you know you just need to keep this in mindbecause every other piece that you cut out has to be the same size, so if i cut out asmall in my sole piece then i have to cut out a small in all my other pieces as well.
look at the back of the pattern envelope andthis is going to tell you how much fabric you are going to need. you can see up hereat the top is designed for a lightweight woven fabric such as cotton or cotton blends, youare also going to need gripper fabric, this is going to be for the non-slip soles. youhave to check with your fabric store, so i know mine, they don't sell it by the yard, buti can get a prepackaged precut piece which is enough for several booties which is fine. once you know what type of bootie you aredoing you can see there is four different types then you are going to be able to determinewhat your material list is going to be because they split it up depending on what bootieyou are doing. you could see here there is
fabric 1, 2, fabric 3. now, what this is referringto is, if we look at this one, you can see they have numbers because there isn't moreto one fabric. so if it's light pink it doesn't matter what shoe you are looking at. lightpink is going to mean its fabric 1. yellow is going to be fabric 2, you can see the yellowright here, and three is going to be the bottom so the sole of the shoe which is going tobe the gripper fabric. so if i'm doing for example bootie a theni can look over here because a and b are so similar they just use the same thing. yousee the size is listed, you will find your size, so mine is medium. so with fabric 1and with fabric 2 for a medium i'm going to need one quarter of the yard, and it doesn'tmatter what the width of the fabric is regardless
if its 45 or 60 inch. fabric 3 which is thegripper fabric, you are also going to need a quarter of a yard or one package if it comesby package. in addition to that we are going to need some fusible interfacing, it tellsyou how much you need right here, it's the same for all sizes and then additional itemswhich is one-eight of the yard of one inch velcro. here is another example. if i'm doing bootiesc which is this one right here, they break it up the same way so for fabric 1 and threeif i'm doing a medium i just go right down here. i'm going to need a quarter yard ofeach one of those fabric 2. i need an eighth, because you really don't need that muchthen it tells you again. fusible interfacing,
all the booties need some fusible interfacingand for this one additional items are some grommets and then you need one yard of someribbon which is three-eights of an inch. page one is going to have the diagram of thepattern pieces that are inside this envelope and you could see they're all numbered andthe actual pattern pieces themselves are also numbered with the same numbers which makesit handy and you can actually see a list over here, they're telling you exactly what itis. so piece number one is a strap and it's for view a which means the bootie a. so whateverletter you have at the end that is for that particular bootie but they help you out evenmore because they break it down here, so depending on which shoe you are doing then you knowwhich pattern pieces you need to cut out.
so if for example, i'm doing view c then ionly need to cut out pieces 8 through 10. now remember when you are cutting them outyou need to make sure that whatever size you picked out for your sole, you are going tocut out all your pieces that same size. when cutting out your pattern pieces, youare going to look for your size and then you are going to cut out on the line that's aboveit. now, sometimes you will see these marks like this, these are called notches, and they'revery important because they're important for the placing of our pieces together. so youneed to make sort of indication that they're there so you can see i cut outward, some peoplecut inward, just don't cut in too deep. you have a single notch over here, you havea double notch so the only difference is its
a little bit bigger and then i just flattenthe top so i can readily see that it's a double notch. sometimes they're not all linedup like this, but they're kind of -- they kind of stagger, you just need to make surethat you cut the one that's on your line and for your size. once you have your pieces cut out we can thenlook at our layout instructions as this is just telling us how they recommend that youlayout your pattern pieces so you make the most of your fabric and you don't end uprunning out of fabric. so like we did before all you need to do is find whatever bootiethat you are doing so if i was doing c, i would just need to look at this and i canignore the other ones. they broke it up again
by fabric type. 1 and 2 is the same thingwhen we were looking at the back of the pattern envelope. so for example fabric 2, the fabricis actually folded in half, you can see there's a fold here, so when i cut out piece number10, which you can see 10 will sit right here. out of fabric 2 i only need to cut out piecenumber 10 since the fabric is folded when i cut out, i end up with two pieces of number10 which is important because we're making two shoes. for fabric 1 again the fabric is folded inhalf, this one we need to cut out 10, 8 and then we will do 9. you will see 9 twice becauseyou actually need four pieces of 9 so because it's on the fold you cut one out you get twoand then you are going to do it again. it's
going to be the same case for the other ones.you just see what pattern is listed, make sure you place it on the fabric with the fabricfolded. i like to place my pins parallel to the edge of the pattern pieces, and that wayit will be a lot easier for when i'm cutting them out, i don't have to worry about thepins getting in the way. and then if we scoot this down, it's thesame thing with our gripper fabric, you are going to need to cut out your sole pieces.so for a its going to be piece number 4, for b through d its going to be piece number 8and you need two of each one, and then fusible interfacing is the last thing that we needto cut out, same kind of thing folded in half and whatever piece they tell you for yourbootie go ahead and cut that out.
the last thing we need to do in prepping isto make sure any marks that on our pattern pieces get transferred to our fabric pieces,so that maybe for this one velcro placement we have this box. we have this stitching linesand dots, very important to transfer because this is going to come in handy later. so whati like to do is with this still attached to my fabric, it's not in this case, but if itwas, my pattern piece is still on there whatever mark i need to transfer i just take a straightpin, i place it through all my layers, and then whatever its coming out into my fabrici just use my fabric marker or chalk and i mark it on my fabric. so here is my fabric piece and you can seethere are my marks, so that's exactly what
you want. another example here we have thisis for bootie c or d piece number 10. you are going to see these marks like this, thisis going to help in our grommet placing. you only need to do your size. so if i was doingmedium i would just do this section right here. you don't have to draw this wholeline, they're just connected together so it would be this line and then this line righthere and i had to make sure i do it for all four spots to all four fabric pieces. lastly, i just look over the fabric directionso i can figure out what the seam allowances going to be, in this particular case it'sgoing to be one quarter of an inch. so whenever they tell us to do a seam we are always goingto assume its one quarter of an inch unless
they say something differently in the directions.also when it comes to seams, instead of pressing them open they want us to press it to oneside. if i just scoot this down, we are going to see the fabric key, so this is going tohelp us in reading the pictures that they come with the written directions. so its justtelling you, if you are looking at the right side of the fabric or if you are looking atthe wrong side of the fabric. so the wrong side of the fabric is white, but you couldsee here they broke it up depending on the fabric if we are looking at the right sideor not. so that's just going to help us keep everythingstraight. now, what i'm going to do is i'm going to read through each step and then i'mgoing to demonstrate what you need to do for
that particular step. please click on theshoe of your choice to be taken directly to the start of its instructions or just hangtight and we will start with view a in just a moment. here is an example of what we will be makingfor view a, so let's get started. view a step one, fuse interfacing to wrong side of fabric1 upper piece. so this is going to be pattern piece number two and we're going to only dothis for our main fabric, so this is going to be the outer fabric, and i'm just goingto show you on one, but you need to do it for both pieces. so you are going to take your piece two, youare going to flip it onto your ironing board
on the wrong side because we always fuse ourinterfacing to the wrong side of the fabric, and then i'm going to grab my interfacingpiece. now if you feel your interfacing piece, there will be a slight texture on one sidewhich is the glue bubbles and then it will be smooth on the other side, so the side thathas the glue bubbles that goes to the wrong side because we want to make sure that's thepart that gets fused. so you are just going to lay it on top makingsure everything lines up and then once its all setup; i already have my iron heatingup. i'm going to grab a small pressing cloth that i have here, carefully lay it on top,so we're not shifting anything underneath. you are going to dampen the fabric. i'm justusing a spray bottle here, slightly dampen
it. and then i'm going to place the iron overone section just carefully lay it down for a few seconds and then to do the other section,just i'm carefully just going to lift up and move over, i'm not just going to shift itacross the fabric because that can cause wrinkles. and then i can go ahead, lift it up and seeif i need any other sections that maybe i missed, looks pretty good. so again you aregoing to do this for both pieces. step two, place fabric 1 strap to fabric 2strap, right size together, stitch outer edges leaving short edge with dots open. trim seamallowances, turn strap right side out and press, top stitch close to stitch outer edges,place strap to upper at placement with fabric 1 sides together, stitch across seam allowancesto keep strap in place.
so this is, there are several parts to thiswe are just going to take one part at a time. first thing that you need to do is you aregoing to take your fabric that comes with piece number 1, so this is the strap, andyou should have cut out two out of fabric 1 and then two pieces out of your contrastingfabric 2 pieces. all you are going to do is you are going to take one of this one, oneof this one, and you are going to place them so they're going to be right sides together. so i'm just going to pin all the way aroundand then i'm going to do the same thing with this one but i'm just going to move it sowe can concentrate on this. so after i pin it, i'm just pinning them to hold them inthe place, what you are going to do is you
are going to stitch here, here and here, thisside is going to stay open. so this is the side that i have my small dots from my patternpiece, so i'm just going to leave this open and i'm just going to stitch along these threesides. you are going to do a quarter inch seam allowancewhich means that where the needle is, its going to be a quarter of an inch to the edgeof the fabric. also don't forget to do a couple of back stitches and you are doinga regular length stitch. next you are going to trim your strap, you can see i have alreadystarted here for the corners; i like to cut he corners off, so i just cut diagonally makingsure that you don't ever cut into your stitches and then you are just going to trim most ofthis off. when you finish with that, go ahead,
take your strap, flip it right side out andyou are going to press it, and you get a strap like this, and then i'm going to show you,how you top stitch it. when sewing the top stitch, you are going to get as close to thefinished edges you can. so you are just doing it for the three finished edges not the openingthat you have at the end, and don't forget to back stitch and again you are just doingthe regular length stitch. going back to our piece number 2, you willsee right here we have strap placement and will have two dots, this is going to be awhere we place the strap we just created. so this should have been transferred to yourfabric and you can see mine here. so you are going to take your strap and this is rightside up, you are going to take your strap
with fabric number 2 right side up and youare going to place this. so the open raw edge is going to line up with this raw edge righthere and you are just going to place it so it's between these two dots. go ahead, pinit and stitch your one-quarter inch seam allowance. step three, for fabric 1 upper right sidestogether and stitch the center back seam, for fabric 2 upper right sides together andstitch center back seam, press seam allowances open. so now you are taking us with our strapit's now attached and you are going to match this up with this up because this is our centerback seam. right side is facing up, so then when i fold it in half its going to be rightside together. you are going to do this for all your numbertwo pieces. you are going to pin and stitch
your one-quarter inch seam allowance up here,so i'm doing it for my two fabric 1 pieces and i'm also going to do it with the fabric2 pieces. i have the same thing, right side facing up folded in half, matching this areaup here, the center back seam, you are going to pin and stitch one-quarter of the seamallowance. and in this particular case, you are going to press your seams open. step four, place fabric 1 loop to fabric 2loop right sides together and stitch long outer edges. trim seam allowances, turn loop rightside out and press top stitch close to finished edges, cut loop in 2 1 inch long pieces. foldloop in half with fabric 1 on the outside. pin loop to fabric 1 upper, centering loopover center back seam with raw edges even
stitch across seam allowance to keep loopin place. we are going to create the loop that's going to be on the back heel of thebooties. so for this one for piece number three, youactually only needed to cut one out of fabric 1and one out of fabric 2. just like we didwhen we did the strap, you are going to put the right side together and go ahead and pinthem. this time though you are going to stitch your quarter inch seam allowance on the twolong edges. so these sides are going to remain open and here is the one that i finished andyou are going to go ahead and turn your seam allowances as before. then you are going to take your loop, andyou are going to turn it right side out so
you can press it, and for this i'm just goingto use some heavy duty thread and a needle, and i have a knot on one end. i'm actuallygoing to just maybe eighth of an inch down, i'm just going to go through one side sothrough fabric 2 so my knot sticks. then i'm going to take the eye of the needle and that'sgoing to go down through the opening side here and i'm just going to move it along untili get to the other side because i'm going to use this thread to help me turn it rightside out. so here it comes over here, so i can actuallyloose the needle because i don't need anymore just to help me to kind of pull it through,and then you are seeing its starting to go in. sometimes you need to just help it getit started. then you are just going to gently
pull it. be careful you don't pull it toohard or you might actually just rip the thread through the fabric and then you got to startover. once it gets started though, it will go really fast, it's just the trick of gettingit started, there it goes. so here it comes. this is a -- once it gets started it's apretty quick way. turn it right side out. so once you finish you can then of courseremove this thread, just cut it off if you need to. you are then going to press it, and you aregoing to top stitch it on the two finished sides. these sides again are going to remainopen. you are going to take your strap and you can see i did the top stitching on thetop and the bottom and you are going from
one side, measure over 2 inches and from thatpoint you are going to measure another 2 inches and you are going to make same marks, becausewhat we're going to do is we're going to cut our strap so we have 2, 2 inch pieces. andthen you have little piece which we can toss, we don't need that. so here's my two. so one is going to go withone shoe, and one is going to with the other shoe. i'm just going to show for one. youare going to take this, you are going to fold it in half so fabric 1 is going to be on theoutside. then you are going to take one of your booties, and this is where we have thecenter back seam. i have it right side facing now you can see my seam on the inside. soon the right side, at the top of your bootie,
so the side that's going to have all yourstraps and everything like that. so this is the top, you are going to match up the rawedge with the raw edge of your strap as folded in half. and it's going to go right in themiddle of that center back seam. i'm going to go ahead and pin that and thenstitch a quarter inch seam allowance and i'm just pinning this loop with the top of mybootie. all this other stuff are going to keep it out of the way, and i'm going to doit for both of them. step five pin the fabric 1 upper and the fabric2 upper right sides together at the foot opening of our loop end strap. match the center backseams and the notches. stitch the foot opening and strap edges, clip and trim the seam allowances,turn the upper edge right side out and press.
all you are going to do is you are going totake each bootie, so you are going to have the main which is fabric 1 right side outand you are going to match it with one of fabric 2, and this is going to be the rightside in. so you are going to put one on top of theother, so now, the right sides are together. make sure that your center back seam matches.it's all right if the strap pins down, we are just going to just keep it down and keepit out of the way. so all your notches should match, you are just placing one on top ofthe other so everything lines up and then you are going to pin and stitch your quarterinch seam allowance all along this top and even up here down here and all the way onthe side.
so you see we have this mark from our patternpieces, this going to be your stitching line so you are going to -- when you stitch yourquarter inch seam allowance you are going to come down here, you are going to stitchon the stitching line, you are going to pivot, come up, and then continue stitching hereand do the same thing on this side. this one you can see is already pinned, so i just madesure that everything is lined up and then i pinned it into place. after you finished stitching, go ahead trimyour seam allowance and then i like to do these little notches, inverted notches, beingcareful not to cut into my stitches because this is going to help for the curve areas.and when i'm trimming i'm trimming all the
way down to the point again not cutting intothe stitches. then you are just going to turn it right side out and press it. step six, fold the fabric 1 and fabric 2 upperswrong side together, match the notches and center back seams and stitch raw edges togetherand top stitch close to finished edge. so now, you could see my bootie is folded soi have fabric 2 on the inside, fabric 1 on the outside. all that i want you to do isall this bottom edge here, they want you to take both fabrics match them up and so allthe notches match up, the raw edges match up and our center back seam matches up andyou are going to go ahead and stitch all along the bottom of the shoe. you can go ahead anddo that at the quarter inch mark.
you are also going to make sure that you topstitch all along the top so wherever you have a finished edge, you are going to top stitch.so this is including this part right here and then you go all along the opening of theshoe, you don't have to do the strap because we've already done that. and here you cansee i have already done this one and it's all top stitched and then it's stitched onthe bottom. step seven, place the fabric 1 side upperto fabric 3 sole. at the sole seam, match the notches and stitch close to the edge tokeep layers together. place the fabric 2 sole to fabric 3 sole, soles are now right sidetogether with the upper in between matching the notches and pin. stitch the sole seamleaving an opening on one side for turning
right side out, clip and trim the seam allowances.you are going to take your bootie, and you are going to flip it so fabric 2 is on theoutside so it's basically inside out. then you are going to take one of your solepieces one for each shoe and you will see the gripper fabric that has the bubbles onone side and is smooth on the other side. so the side with the bubble should be facingup. you have a double notch in the back that goes toward the back of the shoe, the singlenotch in the front goes toward the single notch in the front. so this double notch isgoing to match my center back seam and the first part all i'm going to do is i'm goingto pin the edge of the bootie with the edge of the sole piece and you are going to stitchit. you could just stitch it close to the
edge. you are going to stitch it all the wayaround the whole thing. after your sole gripper fabric is sewing onyou are going to grab now the sole piece cut out of your fabric 2 piece. so it's goingto be right side to right side of the soles, and you are basically just making a sandwichso your shoe part is going to be in the middle and you need to make sure that your strapstays out of the way because we don't want to accidentally sew it in our seam. so now, this is going to match up all of thenotches and you are going to stitch all the way around except you are going to leave acouple of inches opening usually between either at the back heel notch and the side, justleave a couple inches open so we are able
to turn the thing right side out. but forthis one you need to go ahead and do it quarter inch seam and then once you finish that, youcan see this one is sewn, there's my strap. you are going to go ahead, trim it, and thenyou are going to clip your notches because you always do that for the curved areas. step eight, turn bootie fabric 2 side out,fold under seam allowance at opening and stitch opening close with hand stitches. turn bootiefabric 1 side out. so now just from this opening you have, you are just going to pull everythingout and when you do that your fabric 2 piece is going to be on the outside. so here it'scoming out. right, so it's still inside out, the fabric 2 on the outside, you are seeingthe right side of fabric 2 for the sole and
you see the gripper fabric on the inside ofthe shoe. all we're going to do is we're going to turn under all these raw edges so we canslip stitch this opening close, but we will get a little closer so we can show you howto do that. at the opening, i folded over all of my rawedges so everything is even and then i pin it into place. so this part you are goingto do it by hand, so you need some matching thread and a needle, i'm going to go aheadand use orange thread so it's a little bit easier for you to see but we're going to startright here where my opening starts. now, i'm going to do is, you just pick a side, youhave this side which is the sole and then you have this side which is the side of theupper.
so i'm going to start here on the sole, andi'm just gabbing right along side that inside fold there and i try to get on the inside fold becausethen i could just tuck my knot in there so my knots not going to show. so now that i'mon the sole side now, i'm going to grab the side of the upper just a little bit you don'tneed much. and now i'm going to go back to this other of the sole side, just grabbingagain on the inside fold line and you want to keep your stitches even and consistentand if you do it nice and neat, then you shouldn't see them once you pull it. you could see minea little bit because it's orange, but pretty much it looks pretty hidden. so i'm goingto go back to this side, you know just going back and forth between the two sides untilyou've stitched the whole opening.
to finish the step just turn your bootiesright side out. step nine, cut one piece of one inch velcro three-quarters of an inchlong. cut velcro in two half inch pieces. set one piece aside for second bootie. stitchthe soft side to end of strap and hard side to upper at placement. so you are going tocut your pieces of velcro and you have your soft side and you have your hard side, andyou also have, well you have two sets one for each shoe. the hard side is going to goto the upper at the side right here, right where you have that box on your pattern piece.if you want to make them a little bit smaller so that they are a little bit more hidden,you can. so i'm going to pin this, and i'm going tostitch around the perimeter of the velcro
and you can either do that by hand or by machine.then the soft side is going to go at the end of the strap. so the same thing i'm goingto pin it, and then i'm going to stitch it into place. last step, step 10, fold over t-strap to insideover strap. stitch and place securely with small hand stitches making sure that strapcan move freely. so now you are going to take your strap that you just sewed your velcroand you can go ahead and velcro it into place like that. now this part right here, thisis the t-strap. all you are going to do is you are going to bend it over the strap andyou can pin it or just hold it into place. i'm just going to flip it to inside out, sothis just a little bit easier for this next
part. so you can see it's folded over and all i'mgoing to do is now i'm going to do my slip stitch or whip stitch whatever one you preferand you are going to hand so the edge of the t-strap to the t-strap, not the strap becausewe want to make sure that this can move through it freely. so all you are going to do is doyour hand stitches right here on this fold, and then your bootie is done. here's viewa completed and now if you are interested in also seeing how we did view c then continuewatching because that one is up next. here is an example of the view c bootie thatwe will be creating in this tutorial, so let's get started. view c step 1, fuse interfacinginto wrong side of fabric 1 front and fabric
2 back pieces. so now we're going to be applyinga fusible interfacing to two of our pieces 10 and 9, and i'm just going to show you withone shoe, but you definitely need to do this twice so you have it for the pair. the first one number 10 that we are lookingat here, this is going to be the fabric 2 piece and you are going to have your matchingfusible interfacing piece with it. the number 9 is with your fabric number 1, and againyou have the matching fusible interfacing. now with this one you were supposed to cutfour pieces out of your fabric 1 piece and two go with one shoe, and two go with theother shoe. so with the shoe i have two of these, but i'm just going to apply the fusibleinterfacing to one.
and you always put the fusible interfacingon the wrong side of the fabric, so i'm just going to show how to apply it on this fabric.so you can see the wrong side there's the right side so the wrong side and then if youfeel the fusible interfacing, you will feel the glue bubbles on one side, and then itwill be nice and smooth on the other side. so the side with the glue bubbles go the wrongside and you are going to lay it down perfectly so all lines up. you are going to grab yourpress cloth. i already have my iron heating up you are going to dampen it and then youare carefully going to set your iron down. and if you can't get the whole piece you canget ahead pick it up, and then move it over, don't just shift if across the fabric oryou might wrinkles on it.
then you can always test it, and see if youneed to apply to certain areas like this part i didn't get, but the rest of it is prettyfused. so i can go ahead and just do this one section if i need to do this and i'm goingto do this for all pieces that needed the fusible interfacing. step two, place front pieces, right sidestogether, stitch top and side edges, trim seam allowances, turn front right side outand press. stitch raw edges together at top stitch close to finished edge. you are goingto take one pair of your piece number 9. so one has the fusible interfacing that we justdid, one does not. you are going to place them so there right sides together. so theright sides on the inside and you just need
to pin along this top curved edge so the sidethat does not have any notches and then we are going to take it to our machine so wecan do a seam. when doing your seam don't forget to makea quarter inch and you are going to back stitch on both ends. like we do with all curved seams,you are going to go ahead and clip these notches into your seam allowance, and then you aregoing to trim it. you probably just get rid of half of the seam allowance and the reasonwhy we clip notches is because when we flip it right side out it will lie a little bitflatter, won't be as bulky that's why you do the little notches. so now, we can go aheadflip this right side out so the seam is going to be in between the two layers and then youare going to press it so we will have a nice
flat curve. the two layers should now line up. so allyou are going to do is you are going to pin them together and on this curve with all thenotches you are going to stitch a quarter of an inch away from the edge and you canjust do a regular stitch. then you are going to top stitch on the finished edge, we aregoing to stitch right along that top fold line where your seam line is, and i will showyou an example. so here's the stitch on the curved edge aquarter of an inch away stitching the two layers together and then here is the top stitch,but we will get a little closer at the machine so i can show you how i did this. the topstitch is a finishing stitch so it's going
to look a lot nicer. what i'm doing its juststitching as close as i can to my finished edge here and you are just doing a regularwidth stitch. you do need to back stitch on both sides and that's all you need to do. step three, place fabrics 2 back to fabric1 back right sides together, stitch top edge, trim seam allowance, turn back right sideout, and press. stitch raw edges together, top stitch close to finished edges, basicallyyou are going to be doing the same thing except for we are doing it with piece 10. so youhave one out of your fabric 2 and this is the one that has the interfacing attachedto it and then you have one out of fabric 1, no interfacing attached to this.
so you are going to put your two pieces rightsides together so my right side is on this side and you are going to pin and stitch yourquarter inch seam allowance starting here going up over the top and back down here.so this side with the notches we do not sew your quarter inch seam allowance, but allthe other edges we do. go ahead and trim your seam allowance and clip in your notches likebefore, and then you are going to flip this one right side out and you are going to pressalong the finished edge. and just like we did with the other one onthe open edge with the notches, you are going to go ahead and stitch a quarter inch fromthe edge and on the finished edge you are going to do your top stitching which i alreadyhave done here. so you could see the quarter
inch stitching down here, and then the topstitching is all along the finished edge. to finish step three, attach grommets to backat placements following manufacturers' instructions. so on our back piece you are going to seelittle xs and this is going to be where we actually placed our grommets or eyelets. sothe grommets they suggest are a little bit too big for the areas. so i'm actually using5, thirty second eyelets so that's 5/32 and to put them in with grommets you need pliersbut with eyelets, you could just do with an eyelet tool and a hammer. so wherever youhave an x you are going to use the tips of your scissors and you are just going to cutin that area and you are cutting through the top part and then also the one underneaththis. you are going to both layers of fabric
and you are just trying to get big enoughso you can take your eyelet and put it through the hole. now, if you look at an eyelet you will seeit has one side that's flat and then one part that sticks out, you only need one for eachsection that you are going to put a hole. so for each shoe you need four of these eyelets.and the part where it's sticking out that is the part that's going to go through myhole so my fabric number 2 is facing up and i'm making sure that the flat side is on thesame side there. so if you need to make your hole a little bit bigger to get it throughand then can go ahead so you could see its just coming through and its not going to looknice and neat on the wrong side, but that's
fine. so once it's through, if you've never doneeyelets before i recommend you buy the package that comes with the kit and all it does comeswith some of the eyelets and then it comes with this little tool here. so we have onelong one, and one short one, and you will see on each side one side will have this littlegrooves. so i'm going to lay the short one down with the groove side up and i'm actuallygoing to flip it to the back side because you want the flat part of the eyelet to fitinto your groove. so you are going to set it right in thereon the tool, and then you are going to take the long part with the groove and it's goingto set right on top of your eyelet. and then
all you need to do grab a hammer, you don'thave to really hit it that hard. just a little few good hits and, well let me try that again,and it's actually going to flatten out and i will show you a better example because idon't have a lot of room to use it. but this is what it's going to end up lookinglike. so you just need to do it for all those areas and again there's going to be four oneach shoe that you need to do and i'm going to go ahead and do my last one, and then wecan move on to the next step. step four, with fabric 2 side up, lot backover front matching notches and placements, stitch across seam allowances to hold in place.so you are going to take the back with the front part here and all you are going to doyou will see we have our single notches right
here which is close to our top stitch finishededge. these are going to match the single notches that you have down here. so all you are going to do is you are justgoing to kind of fold this in half. you are going to take one of this and make sure thatyour fabric 2 side is up here. you are going to match up the single notch with this, andthe single notch here. once they're lined up go ahead and pin it. so they're just overlappinga little bit not much actually. and then i'm just going to fold this over to this otherside so i will just turn it this way and you are going to do the same thing over here.notches are matching up. so now it's starting to look like a -- likea little shoe here. and all you are going
to do is on each side, you are going to goahead and stitch your quarter inch seam allowance, but you only need to do the parts that areoverlapping so you don't have to go over here and you don't have to go back here.just start here and then end where this piece ends right back here. step five, place the fabric 1 to side frontand back to the fabric through sole. at the sole seam match the notches and stitch closeto the edge to keep the layers together. place the fabric 1 sole to fabric 3 sole right sidesare together with the front and back in between, match the notches and pin. stitch the soleseam leaving and opening on one side for turning right side out clip and trim seam allowances.
you are going to take one of your bootiesand you are going to flip it so you just have the fabric 1 showing so it's the insideof the show that basically its wrong side out. you are going to take one of your numberthree sole pieces, so this is out of the gripper fabric. you are going to take this and layit right on top matching the double notch in the back and then all the single notches.you are going to pin and stitch all the way around the whole bottom of the shoe and youjust need to do it close to the edge, you don't need to do at the quarter inch, youcan do it at the one-eighth if you want. so what you end up with is something thatlooks like this. next, you are going to take your sole piece made out of your fabric 1and basically what you are going to be doing
is you are going to be sandwiching the shoebetween two pieces of sole. so we have the number three and then we have the number onein here making sure this is the right side to your shoe, and again you are going to bematching all your notches. we are going to pin all the way around so everything is linedup. now, you are going to quarter inch seam allowance,but you are going to make sure that you leave at least a couple of inches opening on onepart of it because we need to flip the whole thing right side out eventually. so you couldstart about here, don't forget to back stitch again you are doing that quarter inch seamallowance sewing all the way around. and then once you get passed this notch over here,you go ahead and maybe stop right here so
between here and here is going to stay openso we could flip it right side out. now because the shoe keeps wanting to popup, as you are sewing it, you may have to make some adjustments that means just moveit around so you can make sure that in the middle the shoe is staying flat and you arenot accidentally folding it and then stitching it, and then you end up having a wrinkle.so just, you just have to maneuver it a little bit and just be really careful and alwayskeep checking. lastly, you are going to trim your seam allowance and clip these littlenotches because we always do that for curved seams. step six turn, bootie fabric 1 side out, foldunder seam allowance at opening and stitch
opening close with hand stitches. turn thebootie fabric 1 to side out. so here is the bootie and from the opening you are goingto go ahead and pull everything out, so you have your fabric sole showing and you alsohave fabric 1 showing on top. so this is how it ends up looking after you pull everythingthrough your opening. you are going to fold over your opening theseam allowance and pin it together so we can slip stitch this opening close. so we're goingto get a little closer to show you how to slip stitch this area. here is my opening,you could see that i folded over the raw edges so everything lines up, and all i'm goingto do is a slip stitch which is done by hands. you are going to want to get some matchingthread and a needle and i'm just using a contrasting
thread so it's a little bit easier to see. so here we have the folded sole side and thenhere we have the top of the shoe or the bootie then i'm actually going to start on the solesides. so i'm just grabbing a little bit of the inside folded edge and i try to grab theinside folded edge because i just want to be able to tuck that knot inside so it'snot going to be showing. then i grab a little bit in the same area of the shoe and then i'm going to go back to the soleand then to the shoe. so i'm just going back and forth, back andforth between the two sides until your opening is closed and i try to keep my stitches smalland consistent because i don't want them to show that much. and you can see mine obviouslybecause it is white but if you do it really
nice and neat then it should hardly be visible.after you finish slip stitching, then you get to do the fun part, which is flip theshoe right side out. step seven, cut two pieces of ribbon each18 inches long, place one ribbon through grommets, reserve the other piece of ribbon for theremaining bootie. so you are just going to cut your ribbon 18 inches long and i justput it on the big needle so it would be a little bit easier for me to go through myeyelets and then you just lace it as you would a normal shoe. so i'm starting at the bottomone going to the opposite side and going to the eyelet on top, need to pull this off andthen i'm going to do the same thing on the other side. so i'm going to go from here tohere and then i'm going to tie it in the middle.
here's a completed look at view c. now, ifyou are interested in seeing the tutorial on view a, don't forget to check that outas well. make sure to check out our other videos and visit professorpincushion.com toview our complete library through well over a 150 sewing video tutorials. new tutorialsare released regularly, so make sure to subscribe to be notified of the next release. thanksfor watching.
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